Friday, November 26, 2010

Chile`s bicentennial, a year marked to the show

I think that is very relevant the happening to the Chile`s bicentennial, since in the events, inaugurations and institutions, we can see the important of the visual character in all happenings. We are going to see how the discourse take distance with the people and this is very dangerous, since the distance between the words and the people imply a mistrust and this is very prejudicial to the country and his relations internal. Too, we are going to see how the political`s powers direct the taste of the people.
The different event to the bicentennial of Chile have be marked to the experienced of show. The different construction or event, such as the Moneda`s lights, the big flog in the “ciudadanìa`s” square or the “Memoria`s” Museum. They are mark for the visual, in where the discourse support all political`s doing. The Moneda`s lights and the big flog are spectacles quite visual and ceremonial, and the “Memoria`s” museum is estrange, since correspond more to the world of discourse than the reality of the people of Chile, since the people haven`t too memory, there are others places in where there are memorials, but in those places go to the same people, the places of that type are not missives.
The discourse is not the problem, always have be a lot of words that the powers doing to relational them with the people. The problem is when the words aren`t concordant with the reality, rather the life is transformer in a reality show. The distance between the words and reality is the problem, since we lost, and our relation with the politic power or the press power, is based in the mistrust. And if there is mistrust, then some don’t function well.
In conclusion, I think that the idea of spectacle in all it doing in the Chile`s bicentennial, is bad for the relations between people and the political powers, since when there are a lot of show, in the long run, too there are a distance between the political and the people. I think that the places must be take to the people and don`t that the powers direct the taste of the people. In the bicentennial the event have be direct to the politics, the discourse politics.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Carla`s blog

There are two reason because Carla`s blog is my preferred: one it is formal reason, the other is about the contend. The formal reasons are her images, the disposition of the photographs and the election of her. The images in a blog, I think are very important, since a image ratify the text, both are complement, also the images can incite to second reading about the text or can incite some funny. Ah, I almost forget, the fishes, they are fantastic, is very simple, but entertaining. On the other hand, I think that the texts are very good written, unlike my blog, in where I do a lot of mistake. As to the contend of her texts, I think that there are good ideas, I think if she has a good dominion of the English, she can express the best ideas.
Well, the formal and the contend are the reasons that I observe in the Carla `blog.
The first October is the blog that I like, it is on the country, our favorite country, the reasons why we like visited that country. She chose Buthan and Italy, two places very different, one as a example of good and responsible ecological culture, the other (Italy) as a place very touristic and known, whit a culture very developed and very rich. I liked the contrast between both countries.
Well, I don`t know which thing I could change of her blog, beyond doubt there are little things, for example in the last post (A different career), there is not image.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pablo Neruda

Is very difficult to choose only a more important Chilean of all the times, since there are many Chileans who in different matters are very relevant, for example in the field of the politics, there are persons with merit that they differentiate to the persons of the field of the art or of the science. Considering the previous thing, my choice has to be more emotive, not so rational and the field that me is more near is the art, and in this area, I think that Pablo Neruda's figure is the most important.
Pablo Neruda's figure not only is important because the prize won Nobel Prize the year 1971, but he was very relevant in the cultural life of Chile and Latin America.
He was involved in social topics, not only debating theoretically, but in the practice he interfered with the topic of the Spanish Civil War saving many lives in the project of “Winnipeg”. Also he was a candidate for the presidency of Chile and senator, clear that he had to flee and live in the stealthiest then that was betraying him.
In literary terms, Neruda influenced notably many of his contemporary ones and for Chile it was difficult to be extracted the influence so big that Neruda had on all the young poets, since they all began to write as him.
Neruda's relation with the women always was complex, and then if I could do a question to him, would be: What thinks really about the woman? Also I would like to ask him on all the objects that he collected during all his life, they are great and there are of everything.
Well, Neruda at present is almost like a brand, the better thing would be to return to his writings

Friday, November 5, 2010

The big fish

The big fish is a film of Tim Burton, it was made in 2003. It is based in a novel of Daniel Wallace. In the film there are a lot of “racontos” where the protagonist tell his history and how knew her wife. The story start when the protagonist tell a story of big fish to the people, the son is angry, since he think that his father lie, then the protagonist remember when was born, his infancy, when worked in a circus and how fall in love for his wife, also when was in the war.
The film is whole of elements surrealist: There are giants, dwarfishs, women joins. Sometimes the time is stop it and then the world tour faster. The reality is mixture whit the fantasy, the elements fantastic show us whit real. The son of protagonist is a man realistic, he doesn’t believe in the stories of his father, but in the end he can believe in his father.
The first time that I sew it was in 2006, in the house of a friend. I like Tim Burton, however this film is less gothic that the before of Burton. Also, the actuations are very well, I don`t like Ewan McGregor, but in this film he doing very well.
The part that I more liked, is the end, when the son carry his father to lake and in the road, the father see all his friends of his pas, the father say: “how I dreamed”, since when was a child he sew his death in the eyes of a witch of his town, his vision did reality. This scene is my favorite because condense all film.
- What is your favorite film have you seen?
- When was the first time that you sew the film?
- What scene of film is your favorite?

Friday, October 29, 2010

The ideal job?

I think that the perfect job don’t depend the kind of job, since the inclination of the person, for example, there are a lot of jobs that socially are bad considered: dustman, sweeper, etc. but I know people that are in a better job and they are very unhappy and other people have a happiness internal, independent them jobs.
In general, the manual jobs are bad paid and are considered worse intellectual jobs, this is a situation that in Chile is very stressed, though is a situation that happiness in whole world. Is very curious, since there are some manual jobs that are very important, essential, as cleaner the streets, pull out the rubbish.
I think that the ideal job depend if the people feel well in the place where job and if reality like it. The majority of the people are very unhappy in their jobs, the timetable, the surrounding. In others countries, the timetables are more short, but in Chile the day`s journey is very long, and the concentration it lost.
If I could choose a job, the job would have to be creative, since the routine is very boring, but is complicate find a job more free, the job that less I like, would be front of a computer, I don`t like to be much time front the computer.
I am in fourth year of my carrier, therefore I have that think in my working future, my experiences working relatives on my carrier have been in the Andrés Bello Archive and the Chascona museum-house of Pablo Neruda. Both have been good experiences. I and my classmates when saying that we study history of art, the people always our say: “which is the working field for that carrier?”
Well, the working field is something that late or early we have that think, I hope that the experience will be good.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Violeta Parra

Violeta Parra is a person very popular, but her history and her work is little know, since there are songs very popular: In the radios and the public transport we can hear songs such as “Gracias a la vida” or “Volver a los diecisiete”, but her best songs aren`t too hear. Her visual work neither isn`t too widespread and her writers aren`t very readied. I think she was a woman not understood; her death is a proof of that.
I would like meet her because I like her work in general and I consider that her life very interesting, she was a woman very ardent and very fighter, since that she was a child she had very problems whit his family, her family were very poor and she and her brothers must to go to work out, since in her house didn`t have to eat, therefore she since very young learned play the guitar and sing.
A lot of her songs are autobiographic, in they sing about her life and narrate facts that success her. The people that know her say she was a person very attract, the people cannot indifferent in front she.
I would like talk about all things, I don`t have a matter specific to talk, I just would like hear her, anything will be interesting, I think that she must have very stories to talk about her family, her work, others countries that she visited and her tragic lovers.
I think that the people that have had a life hard, they have a value, since the life learn them things that the people in general don`t know. The life of Violeta Parra is an example, she is a person that represent very well the customs of Chile, is impossible to be indifferent front she.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The most important are the people

I think that the perfect day depends on the tastes of every person, for example if a person is a fanatic of a group of music, then the day of the concert of this musical band will be the perfect day for this person.
In my case, the perfect day would have to have all the elements that I like. The landscapes do not import for me so much, I know persons that they like the sea or the mountains or any landscape, the important for me, are the persons who accompany me, if they are agreeable persons, it does not import for me the place in which we are.
For example, my perfect day has to be with good friends, with good conversation, with good musical. These are the elements that please me, you can see, are not big things those that do my perfect day, I do not like to travel very much, but I cannot be without people to my side: relatives and friends.
I have friends who live out of Santiago, so I do not see them very continued and when they come to Santiago, we met and converse until the dawn, This they are the best moments, to spend the time with the people that you like, I have had many unforgettable moments, cannot choose only one, but all of them have in common the persons as the most important thing.
I think that the perfect days should be more frequent, but it is difficult at the present that the special days are frequent, since in general it is a little time for the things that we like.
well, but even it is possible to have good days, perfect some

Saturday, October 9, 2010

“Antes que” of Camila Moreno

The song that choose is not so current, but it is the one that I like of a Chilean singer that it has been the whole discovery, she is Camila Moreno and the song calls "Antes que".
The first time that I listened to her, was in the radio "Uno", in fact in the radio the song was touching very much, I think that it is a delicate song and it me resembles very much Violeta Parra, though Camila Moreno does not like that the people compare it with Violeta Parra.
The folklore in Chile is not very massive and I think that Camila Moreno's music is a good mixture of folklore and music pop, I think that it takes good elements of both kinds and it does that Camila Moreno's music is more massive.
The song "Antes que " is the Camila Moreno's first hit that was listened in the radios, but then have appeared many songs of very good invoice, such as: "Millones", "Ay!" and " Lo cierto ". And I hope that new works continue appearing of her.
The style of Camila Moreno is very own, is unmistakable, is a delicate mixture with content, since his songs have a social message, which is critical enough with the current life been ruled by the economy, she has a position similar that had Violeta Parra in this sense.
Camila Moreno's career has been precocious, she began from very girl to take part in musical groups, the majority of line folk, in the year 2007 and 2008 it began to give a series of concerts that began to announce, but it is in the year 2009 when it began to sound in the radios

Friday, October 1, 2010

France and his culture

The country that I will like visited is France, I like all about France, as said Fernado Savater, “the word culture is a galicism”. We can admire any writers of each country, for example: Gohete of Germany, Cervantes of Spain, Shakespeare of England, Dante of Italy, etc. but about France `writers, we can not choose only one, since there are a lot: Victor Hugo, Dumas, Sade, Vernes, Flaubert, Camus, and greats philosophers such as Bergson, Teiharld de Chardin, Sartre, Maritain. Moreover, France is a country that receive to written of others places, they adopt the language French, for example, Cioran, Beckett, Kristeva, Ionesco, etc. In conclusion, France is a country very rich in culture.
I am reading the book of Hemingway, “París was a party”, in where describe his years in Paris when he was a young poor unknow. Well, in Chile there is a lot of literature about France, in specific about Paris, such as Joaquín Edwards Bello, Pablo Huneeus, Lafourcade, etc. The reasons of why Paris is too cited are for his history and places, such as the cafes, the museums, galleries, squares, monuments, rivers. All things in Paris have his history, is a city very old.
In Chile, in the past, France had an enormous influence, all things was brought to there, dishes, musical instrument, books, pictures, and if a family had an French ´teacher that was sociality very well, the things French was symbols of status and well taste. This situation had his splendor in XIX century, then France was displace for the north american´culture, the which replace the values.
The art in France have a long history, but is in the last decades of XIX century, whit Coubert and Manet and the firsts decades of XX century when Paris is the center of the art’ world, all the artist wanted to go to Paris.
The cultures reasons are enough for want to go to France.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The mapuche conflict

The demands of the mapuches is not new, since many years ago there are problems, it is some historic, but the facts recently have happened, show us that the hunger strike make the problems evident, the strike make visible the conflict. It is lamentable that in Chile the problems crop out just with strong measures, since the demand of mapuches nobody know it before the hunger strike.
The anti-terrorism law was created with one sense, but as all law, the way to application is very relative and in the case of the mapuches, have been abuses.
The military justice is an example the abuse to mapuches, since the justice must be equal to all, the cases exceptional where these law is applied don’t must apply to mapuches, since they are as anyone Chilean. The prejudices whit the mapuches have been historical, since many decades ago have formed an image about the mapuche: lazy, alcoholic, violent, etc. these images correspond to prejudices. The laws against to mapuches are corresponding to an image and separate of the idea of justice that must govern to all.
I think the mapuches in hunger strike represent the feeling of majority of the natives of our country, but the discord or difference is in the methods, since the hunger strike is a way extreme to get some, then the difference is in the methods.
I think that if Piñera has done enough to solve the situation or not, is not the question bottom, since the presidents of “concertación” and all the politics previously don´t do enough.
In these cases there are an utilization for the politics, they just looking for his own recompense and don´t answer the problem.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Education in Chile

The education has relation with some essential for the humanity, since it is the way in which the culture is penetrated from a generation to other one. The good education or the bad education determines the world in which we live, since everything what is accumulated in the culture, changes according to how the youngest generations are taught. In Chile the education is not considered like a priority, the education in Chile it is not very well, since there are other interests that are more important that to have a good education.
In more developed countries, the education is a priority, one invests in having very much good teachers and good infrastructure, many resources are destined to the education, and this investment is what makes them be developed countries.
The education is not only to know certain things that teach you, it is understood inside a tradition that it has many centuries in the history, is to be able to look inside a cultural wide frame.
In Chile there is not a very strong identity and without a good education the Chileans we look for our identity in any mode that we import from out, also that it is relation with the good or bad education that exists in Chile.
In Chile the future of the education is not very good, the changes in the education are slow and we will need many resources and good political to solve all the problems that exist in Chile.
But in many aspects have existed changed in Chile that they have improved the Chilean education.


Hello, I want talk of exhibition called “devises” of Nicanor Parra, which was in 2006 in Cultural Center Palace La Moneda.
The exhibition was very polemic, since a part of the exhibition was showing to the heroes of the homelandnative country, which were hung of the neck, Allende, Pinochet, Alessandri and other relevant figures of the history of Chile. But the most interesting of the exhibition was not it, I liked the devises, they were in other rooms, they were small pedestals with a small legend and an object daily, the relation between the object and what Parra wrote was the interesting thing.
The object that more I liked was one dedicated to Roberto Bolaño, Parra and Bolaño were friends, and Parra in the exhibition wanted to do a small honoring to him for his premature death. The devise consisting in a Bolaño's photography and below Parra saying: "good nights sweet prince", It was an cite of Shakespeare, which was provoking a dispute in Parra's work, since Parra does a popular work, which moves away from the academic culture, it moves away from Shakespeare.
An devise that was in the entry consisting of a book of the complete works of Shakespeare and below he was saying: “El colmo del discurso cuico”, but nevertheless, the honoring to Bolaño, Parra using to Shakespeare.
Well, this exhibition was very gratifying for me, I enjoyed very much and laughed enough, it is what has Parra, one laugh and makes you think using simples elements.
I hope that Parra continues exhibiting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The miners

About the new of miners traps, I chatted with some schoolmates on the topic. One said that the people have been into the reality show, were interviewee about the confinement`s conditions for say to the miners some advises. We thought that is a curious situation, however, the situation in the mine is enough similar to a reality show. The fact is terrible, but the processing by mass media is following the line of spectacle, the performance.
Moreover, the new of the miners monopolize the rest of new that is happening in Chile. This happen always in Chile, one new prevail everything else.
I think there is a use politic since there are a series of symbols patriots that have been developed in the last days: flogs, hymns, speeches. The processing of the politics has been sentimental, there are a lot of speeches emotional, they speak of heroes, but the responsibility is more important than the sentiments.
This new has been very important, but it has been contaminating for the processing by mass media and the politics, above all for the celebration by our bicentenary. The medias are very powerful and they distort and manage the reality. I don`t think that the new of miners is very important and above all I am in disagreement with the mass media.
I have chosen this new since she represent the reality of Chile`s media. The miners situation will continued occupying the national attention.
Well, I hope that news change and we can see others realities.