Friday, November 19, 2010

Carla`s blog

There are two reason because Carla`s blog is my preferred: one it is formal reason, the other is about the contend. The formal reasons are her images, the disposition of the photographs and the election of her. The images in a blog, I think are very important, since a image ratify the text, both are complement, also the images can incite to second reading about the text or can incite some funny. Ah, I almost forget, the fishes, they are fantastic, is very simple, but entertaining. On the other hand, I think that the texts are very good written, unlike my blog, in where I do a lot of mistake. As to the contend of her texts, I think that there are good ideas, I think if she has a good dominion of the English, she can express the best ideas.
Well, the formal and the contend are the reasons that I observe in the Carla `blog.
The first October is the blog that I like, it is on the country, our favorite country, the reasons why we like visited that country. She chose Buthan and Italy, two places very different, one as a example of good and responsible ecological culture, the other (Italy) as a place very touristic and known, whit a culture very developed and very rich. I liked the contrast between both countries.
Well, I don`t know which thing I could change of her blog, beyond doubt there are little things, for example in the last post (A different career), there is not image.

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