Friday, October 1, 2010

France and his culture

The country that I will like visited is France, I like all about France, as said Fernado Savater, “the word culture is a galicism”. We can admire any writers of each country, for example: Gohete of Germany, Cervantes of Spain, Shakespeare of England, Dante of Italy, etc. but about France `writers, we can not choose only one, since there are a lot: Victor Hugo, Dumas, Sade, Vernes, Flaubert, Camus, and greats philosophers such as Bergson, Teiharld de Chardin, Sartre, Maritain. Moreover, France is a country that receive to written of others places, they adopt the language French, for example, Cioran, Beckett, Kristeva, Ionesco, etc. In conclusion, France is a country very rich in culture.
I am reading the book of Hemingway, “París was a party”, in where describe his years in Paris when he was a young poor unknow. Well, in Chile there is a lot of literature about France, in specific about Paris, such as Joaquín Edwards Bello, Pablo Huneeus, Lafourcade, etc. The reasons of why Paris is too cited are for his history and places, such as the cafes, the museums, galleries, squares, monuments, rivers. All things in Paris have his history, is a city very old.
In Chile, in the past, France had an enormous influence, all things was brought to there, dishes, musical instrument, books, pictures, and if a family had an French ´teacher that was sociality very well, the things French was symbols of status and well taste. This situation had his splendor in XIX century, then France was displace for the north american´culture, the which replace the values.
The art in France have a long history, but is in the last decades of XIX century, whit Coubert and Manet and the firsts decades of XX century when Paris is the center of the art’ world, all the artist wanted to go to Paris.
The cultures reasons are enough for want to go to France.


  1. I agree with you in the rich culture of France. Es very beauty its places.

  2. I know really why you want visit France! Jojojo…
