Friday, November 26, 2010

Chile`s bicentennial, a year marked to the show

I think that is very relevant the happening to the Chile`s bicentennial, since in the events, inaugurations and institutions, we can see the important of the visual character in all happenings. We are going to see how the discourse take distance with the people and this is very dangerous, since the distance between the words and the people imply a mistrust and this is very prejudicial to the country and his relations internal. Too, we are going to see how the political`s powers direct the taste of the people.
The different event to the bicentennial of Chile have be marked to the experienced of show. The different construction or event, such as the Moneda`s lights, the big flog in the “ciudadanìa`s” square or the “Memoria`s” Museum. They are mark for the visual, in where the discourse support all political`s doing. The Moneda`s lights and the big flog are spectacles quite visual and ceremonial, and the “Memoria`s” museum is estrange, since correspond more to the world of discourse than the reality of the people of Chile, since the people haven`t too memory, there are others places in where there are memorials, but in those places go to the same people, the places of that type are not missives.
The discourse is not the problem, always have be a lot of words that the powers doing to relational them with the people. The problem is when the words aren`t concordant with the reality, rather the life is transformer in a reality show. The distance between the words and reality is the problem, since we lost, and our relation with the politic power or the press power, is based in the mistrust. And if there is mistrust, then some don’t function well.
In conclusion, I think that the idea of spectacle in all it doing in the Chile`s bicentennial, is bad for the relations between people and the political powers, since when there are a lot of show, in the long run, too there are a distance between the political and the people. I think that the places must be take to the people and don`t that the powers direct the taste of the people. In the bicentennial the event have be direct to the politics, the discourse politics.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Carla`s blog

There are two reason because Carla`s blog is my preferred: one it is formal reason, the other is about the contend. The formal reasons are her images, the disposition of the photographs and the election of her. The images in a blog, I think are very important, since a image ratify the text, both are complement, also the images can incite to second reading about the text or can incite some funny. Ah, I almost forget, the fishes, they are fantastic, is very simple, but entertaining. On the other hand, I think that the texts are very good written, unlike my blog, in where I do a lot of mistake. As to the contend of her texts, I think that there are good ideas, I think if she has a good dominion of the English, she can express the best ideas.
Well, the formal and the contend are the reasons that I observe in the Carla `blog.
The first October is the blog that I like, it is on the country, our favorite country, the reasons why we like visited that country. She chose Buthan and Italy, two places very different, one as a example of good and responsible ecological culture, the other (Italy) as a place very touristic and known, whit a culture very developed and very rich. I liked the contrast between both countries.
Well, I don`t know which thing I could change of her blog, beyond doubt there are little things, for example in the last post (A different career), there is not image.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pablo Neruda

Is very difficult to choose only a more important Chilean of all the times, since there are many Chileans who in different matters are very relevant, for example in the field of the politics, there are persons with merit that they differentiate to the persons of the field of the art or of the science. Considering the previous thing, my choice has to be more emotive, not so rational and the field that me is more near is the art, and in this area, I think that Pablo Neruda's figure is the most important.
Pablo Neruda's figure not only is important because the prize won Nobel Prize the year 1971, but he was very relevant in the cultural life of Chile and Latin America.
He was involved in social topics, not only debating theoretically, but in the practice he interfered with the topic of the Spanish Civil War saving many lives in the project of “Winnipeg”. Also he was a candidate for the presidency of Chile and senator, clear that he had to flee and live in the stealthiest then that was betraying him.
In literary terms, Neruda influenced notably many of his contemporary ones and for Chile it was difficult to be extracted the influence so big that Neruda had on all the young poets, since they all began to write as him.
Neruda's relation with the women always was complex, and then if I could do a question to him, would be: What thinks really about the woman? Also I would like to ask him on all the objects that he collected during all his life, they are great and there are of everything.
Well, Neruda at present is almost like a brand, the better thing would be to return to his writings

Friday, November 5, 2010

The big fish

The big fish is a film of Tim Burton, it was made in 2003. It is based in a novel of Daniel Wallace. In the film there are a lot of “racontos” where the protagonist tell his history and how knew her wife. The story start when the protagonist tell a story of big fish to the people, the son is angry, since he think that his father lie, then the protagonist remember when was born, his infancy, when worked in a circus and how fall in love for his wife, also when was in the war.
The film is whole of elements surrealist: There are giants, dwarfishs, women joins. Sometimes the time is stop it and then the world tour faster. The reality is mixture whit the fantasy, the elements fantastic show us whit real. The son of protagonist is a man realistic, he doesn’t believe in the stories of his father, but in the end he can believe in his father.
The first time that I sew it was in 2006, in the house of a friend. I like Tim Burton, however this film is less gothic that the before of Burton. Also, the actuations are very well, I don`t like Ewan McGregor, but in this film he doing very well.
The part that I more liked, is the end, when the son carry his father to lake and in the road, the father see all his friends of his pas, the father say: “how I dreamed”, since when was a child he sew his death in the eyes of a witch of his town, his vision did reality. This scene is my favorite because condense all film.
- What is your favorite film have you seen?
- When was the first time that you sew the film?
- What scene of film is your favorite?