Saturday, August 28, 2010

Education in Chile

The education has relation with some essential for the humanity, since it is the way in which the culture is penetrated from a generation to other one. The good education or the bad education determines the world in which we live, since everything what is accumulated in the culture, changes according to how the youngest generations are taught. In Chile the education is not considered like a priority, the education in Chile it is not very well, since there are other interests that are more important that to have a good education.
In more developed countries, the education is a priority, one invests in having very much good teachers and good infrastructure, many resources are destined to the education, and this investment is what makes them be developed countries.
The education is not only to know certain things that teach you, it is understood inside a tradition that it has many centuries in the history, is to be able to look inside a cultural wide frame.
In Chile there is not a very strong identity and without a good education the Chileans we look for our identity in any mode that we import from out, also that it is relation with the good or bad education that exists in Chile.
In Chile the future of the education is not very good, the changes in the education are slow and we will need many resources and good political to solve all the problems that exist in Chile.
But in many aspects have existed changed in Chile that they have improved the Chilean education.


Hello, I want talk of exhibition called “devises” of Nicanor Parra, which was in 2006 in Cultural Center Palace La Moneda.
The exhibition was very polemic, since a part of the exhibition was showing to the heroes of the homelandnative country, which were hung of the neck, Allende, Pinochet, Alessandri and other relevant figures of the history of Chile. But the most interesting of the exhibition was not it, I liked the devises, they were in other rooms, they were small pedestals with a small legend and an object daily, the relation between the object and what Parra wrote was the interesting thing.
The object that more I liked was one dedicated to Roberto Bolaño, Parra and Bolaño were friends, and Parra in the exhibition wanted to do a small honoring to him for his premature death. The devise consisting in a Bolaño's photography and below Parra saying: "good nights sweet prince", It was an cite of Shakespeare, which was provoking a dispute in Parra's work, since Parra does a popular work, which moves away from the academic culture, it moves away from Shakespeare.
An devise that was in the entry consisting of a book of the complete works of Shakespeare and below he was saying: “El colmo del discurso cuico”, but nevertheless, the honoring to Bolaño, Parra using to Shakespeare.
Well, this exhibition was very gratifying for me, I enjoyed very much and laughed enough, it is what has Parra, one laugh and makes you think using simples elements.
I hope that Parra continues exhibiting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The miners

About the new of miners traps, I chatted with some schoolmates on the topic. One said that the people have been into the reality show, were interviewee about the confinement`s conditions for say to the miners some advises. We thought that is a curious situation, however, the situation in the mine is enough similar to a reality show. The fact is terrible, but the processing by mass media is following the line of spectacle, the performance.
Moreover, the new of the miners monopolize the rest of new that is happening in Chile. This happen always in Chile, one new prevail everything else.
I think there is a use politic since there are a series of symbols patriots that have been developed in the last days: flogs, hymns, speeches. The processing of the politics has been sentimental, there are a lot of speeches emotional, they speak of heroes, but the responsibility is more important than the sentiments.
This new has been very important, but it has been contaminating for the processing by mass media and the politics, above all for the celebration by our bicentenary. The medias are very powerful and they distort and manage the reality. I don`t think that the new of miners is very important and above all I am in disagreement with the mass media.
I have chosen this new since she represent the reality of Chile`s media. The miners situation will continued occupying the national attention.
Well, I hope that news change and we can see others realities.